Pets are a special and treasured addition to many households. Providing for the health and well-being of our furry family members is essential and, due to the rising cost of health care all around, is becoming an increasingly expensive task. That’s why many of today’s pet owners are investing in medical pet insurance to care for and protect their beloved animals and to safeguard their family budget. With numerous options to choose from, as shown on djurförsäkring, pet owners can find just the right fit for the needs of their particular pets.
Much like the medical insurance plans of their human counterparts, insurance policies for pets offer differing degrees of coverage and various price points. Common options include varying levels of coverage for preventative care and immunizations, regular veterinary check-ups, common sicknesses, accidental injuries and discounts on approved surgical procedures. Some select policies even offer prescription drug assistance, and several companies allow tiers of coverage depending on whether the policy will cover a single animal or a whole family of animals.
Regular monthly premiums are required, along with co-pay amounts for office visits and a yearly deductible. Premiums tend to be very affordable (ranging from around $14 to $98 per month), and deductibles are often fairly low. These amounts will vary based on the particular insurance company, breed of animal, state of residence and the overall health and age of the pet.
Unlike regular health insurance, however, with most pet insurance policies, pet owners get to pick their doctor. There are no in-network or out-of-network tangles to deal with. As long as the veterinarian is licensed, pet insurance plans will typically allow the policy holder to choose their care provider.
The payment process for pet insurance is also a bit different. In most cases, the pet owner will be required to pay the service amount to the vet up front, then file the claim with their insurance company to be reimbursed for the plan amount. Pet owners will want to check with their vet ahead of time to be certain of his or her procedure for dealing with insurance.
Be aware that, like all insurance policies, many of these plans have several stipulations and limitations. Plans may require a waiting period before coverage will apply. These waiting periods can vary greatly depending on the specific situation and procedure. Some plans may also have restrictions on pre-existing conditions, and a few may require a pre-check appointment to establish the health status of the insured animal.
Each pet owner will want to do their research carefully before deciding if a pet insurance plan is the best financial move for their family. Choosing the right plan can insure regular and proper care for the health of their furry friends while also keeping the financial burden in check.